Simplify and Elevate Your Mealtimes
Customized Meal Plans
Make Mealtime Easy
Let’s face it – deciding what to eat can be overwhelming and time consuming, especially if you have a complicated therapeutic diet. Having a customized meal plan, curated by a registered dietitian and culinary professional, can help take the guesswork out of what to eat and help inspire you to prepare delicious, healthy food.
Get a weekly meal plan with recipes and a shopping list to keep you on track to achieving your health goals.
I partner with LivingPlateRx to offer therapeutic and delicious Registered Dietitian developed meal plans.
Customized meal plans are for you if:
→ You require special dietary guidelines that can be confusing or overwhelming
→ You’re stressed out about how much time it takes to plan and shop for healthy mealtimes
→ You have trouble coming up with consistently healthy, delicious and easy meals
→ You’d like an affordable way to get more dietitian-suggested foods into your diet
How It Works
Browse through my curated meal plans below to find the plan that fits your specific needs. If you’d like a private consultation to determine the optimal meal plan for you, contact me so I can get you on the schedule.
All plans provided emphasize real, whole foods with easy to follow recipes.
Sign up for a 3 Day Free Trial to start with my customized meal plans, where each week you’ll receive a meal plan in your inbox. This plan includes recipes for all of your meals and snacks, plus a complete grocery list.
No credit card is required to start, so if after the free trial, you don’t want to continue, you don’t need to take any additional steps. If you’re happy with the meal plans and would like to continue on your personalized path to wellness, static plans are extremely affordable at $9/month and customizable plans are $19/month.
Meal Plan Options

Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan
This anti-inflammatory meal plan contains low-glycemic recipes aimed at stabilizing blood sugar, maintaining a healthy weight, normalizing hormones, promoting healthy digestion, and reducing the inflammation that may trigger many chronic diseases.

Plant-Based Meal Plan
This plant-based meal plan contains 100% plant-based recipes that are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients known to be anti-inflammatory. Each recipe is full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant proteins making them nutritious as well as delicious.

Low-FODMAP Meal Plan
This low-FODMAP meal plan does not contain those short chain carbohydrates that tend to cause gastrointestinal distress. A low FODMAP diet may provide relief for certain digestive conditions, such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Because this diet is so nuanced, it is important to work with a healthcare professional while following a low-FODMAP diet.

Diabetes Meal Plan
This diabetes meal plan contains low-glycemic recipes aimed at helping you to stabilize blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy weight. It’s moderate in carbohydrates and high in fiber. If you have prediabetes, it will help you stabilize blood glucose and prevent you from getting diabetes.
Our Other Therapeutic and Customized Meal Plans Will Help You Find Joy in Food Again
If you’d like a consultation on what meal plan might be right for you, contact me.